African Media Aid exist as a media organization helping to create a “vibrant , dynamic and smart media” in Africa to fight corruption and seek social justice as well as ensuring sustainable development through promotion of the MDGs, peace, democratic governance, human rights, youth development and ensuring free flow of information, while stressing the need for the provision of quality education and health care.


Our vision is to help in transforming Ghana and for that matter Africa from its present state of economic enslavement, extreme poverty, hunger, human right abuse, corruption, wars, child labour & trafficking and conflicts, among others to become a place to live in peace, comfort and satisfaction through building of a vibrant media by playing the role of a change agent.


  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Help eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Reduce child mortality and improve maternal health
  • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
  • Promote gender equity and empower women
  • Ensure participatory democracy featuring ordinary citizens
  • Promote human right, fight corruption and social injustice
  • Promote youth development
  • To combat child trafficking & child labour
  • To improve access to quality education and health care.

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